Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog where I will be posting my reactions/ thoughts about various articles and other readings pertaining to my Cyberspace Culture course. Feel free to leave your comments and Thanks for stopping by! ~Briana

Thursday, June 21, 2007

4 References for my Research Paper

I decided to write my research paper on how technology has affected the music industry. Using the research port on UMBC's Albin O. Kuhn Library website, I found 4 sources to reference in my paper:

1. Clement, G (2003).The mp3 open standard and the music industry. Communications of the ACM. 46, 90-6.

2. ACM Press, (2001).The internet is changing the music industry. Communications of the ACM. 44, 62-68.

3. Meisel, J, & Sullivan, T (2002). The impact of the Internet on the law and economics of the music industry. IEEE. 4, 16-22.

4. Vlachos, P, Vrechopoulos, A, & Pateli, A (2006). Drawing emerging business models for the mobile music industry. Electronic Markets. 16, 154-68.

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